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Mark C. Pachucki
Network spillover in food choice among co-workers using data from ChooseWell 365 randomized controlled trial to promote healthy eating
Disentangling associations between pubertal development, healthy activity behaviors, and sex in adolescent social networks
Social isolation and depression as risk factors for weight loss of 5kg or more among older Korean adults
Family and community social network characteristics of high-risk family members to improve cancer-related health behaviors
Community coalition efforts to prevent childhood obesity
Two-year results of the Shape Up Under 5 study
Ditching a friend who is not like you can deepen social inequality
“Defriending” in a polarized age
Political and racial homophily and tie dissolution
Tracing coalition changes in knowledge in and engagement with childhood obesity prevention to improve intervention implementation
Demystifying the Magic
Investigating the Success of University-Community Partnerships for Broadening Participation in STEM
Coalition-Committees as Network Interventions
Baseline Network Composition in Context of Childhood Obesity Prevention Interventions
Social connections and the healthfulness of food choices in an employee population.
Is Having an Educationally Diverse Social Network Good for Health?
Challenges and Lessons Learned From Digital Storytelling With Parenting Women in Recovery.
Timing of puberty in boys and girls
Implications for population health
Network Theories
Context matters
Adolescent neighborhood and school influences on young adult body mass index
Impacts of adolescent and young adult civic engagement on health and socioeconomic status in adulthood
Design of ChooseWell 365
Randomized controlled trial of an automated, personalized worksite intervention to promote healthy food choices and prevent weight gain
Network Theories
Insights from Behavioral Economics
Social network analysis of stakeholder networks from two successful community-based obesity prevention interventions.
Eating with others and meal location are differentially associated with nutrient intake by sex
The Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE)
The intergenerational transmission of obesity
The role of time preferences and self-control
Development and testing of a survey to assess knowledge, engagement, and social network characteristics of community stakeholders involved in childhood obesity prevention.
Time Preferences and Physical Activity
Insights from Behavioral Economics
Associations between social network characteristics, cognitive function, and quality of life among residents in a dementia special care unit
A pilot study
Economic Preferences and Fast Food Consumption in US adults
Insights from Behavioral Economics
Incident Type 2 Diabetes Risk is Influenced by Obesity and Diabetes in Social Contacts
A Social Network Analysis
Are school meals a viable and sustainable tool to improve healthy diet among children?
A cross-national comparative perspective
Social Relationships and Obesity
Benefits of incorporating a lifecourse perspective
Mental health and social networks in early adolescence
A dynamic study of objectively-measured social interaction behaviors
Symbolic Boundaries
Networks and Cultural Consumption
Networks at Harvard University Sociology
Within-Family Obesity Associations
Evaluation of Parent, Child, and Sibling Relationships
Food choices and peer relationships
Examining 'a taste for necessity' in a network context
The sincerest form of flattery
Innovation, repetition, and status in an art movement
Food pattern analysis over time
Unhealthful eating trajectories predict obesity
Classifying quality
Cognition, interaction, and status appraisal of art museums
Social Network Concordance in Food Choice Among Spouses, Friends, and Siblings
Cultural Holes
Beyond Relationality in Social Networks and Culture
Creativity narratives among college students
Sociability and everyday creativity
Boundary processes
Recent theoretical developments and new contributions