Development and testing of a survey to assess knowledge, engagement, and social network characteristics of community stakeholders involved in childhood obesity prevention.

Posted by Mark C. Pachucki on Mon, Jan 1, 2018

Abstract: Involving groups of community stakeholders (e.g., steering committees) to lead community-wide health interventions appears to support multiple outcomes ranging from policy and systems change to individual biology. While numerous tools are available to measure stakeholder characteristics, many lack detail on reliability and validity, are not context specific, and may not be sensitive enough to capture change over time. This study describes the development and reliability of a novel survey to measure Stakeholder-driven Community Diffusion via assessment of stakeholders’ social networks, knowledge, and engagement about childhood obesity prevention.

Citation: Korn, A.R., Hennessy, E., Hammond, R.A., Allender, S., Gillman, M.W., Kasman, M., McGlashan, J., Millar, L., Owen, B., Pachucki, M.C. and Swinburn, B., 2018. Development and testing of a novel survey to assess Stakeholder-driven Community Diffusion of childhood obesity prevention efforts. BMC Public Health, 18, pp.1-11.