Networks at Harvard University Sociology

Posted by Mark C. Pachucki on Wed, Oct 1, 2014

Abstract: The purpose of this entry is to describe some of the actors and circumstances that led to the Harvard University Department of Social Relations in the 1960s (and then the Department of Sociology in the 1970s) emerging as a critical site for research on social network analysis. This entry differs in some respects from prior historical efforts. While existing accounts have elaborated on highly influential actors and events, a network perspective itself suggests that all actors and events contribute to the production of knowledge in meaningful ways. In order to be encyclopedic, our aim is to systematically elaborate on the network research of any faculty member or graduate student affiliated with the department during the decades specified above.

Citation: Pachucki, M.C., Lewis, K. (2014). Networks at Harvard University Sociology. In: Alhajj, R., Rokne, J. (eds) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer, New York, NY.
